Walking Through the Fire
My Fight for the Heart and Soul of America
Steve King tells his side of the story
After years of serving in Congress as a conservative leader, Congressman King was targeted with a well-orchestrated “hit” by the Leftist media and Republican establishment. His crime: warning his constituents and his colleagues that Western Civilization was under assault. This tell-all book is Congressman King’s incredible, firsthand account of his fight for the heart and soul of America.

Topics Covered
Political treason by Republican hierarchy
Media defamation, libel, and slander
Political assassination, the “hit”
Western Civilization is a superior civilization
King’s early life sharpened him for battle
President Trump and Congressman King
King’s controversial quotes in context
The magnitude and impact of the illegal alien invasion
The lying, mendacious duplicity of Kevin McCarthy
An inside view of Iowa’s first in the nation caucus
How the political lynching of Congressman King killed his agenda and muzzled the Conservative movement for years to come
Foreword by Michelle Malkin
“Never before, in my nearly thirty years as a conservative journalist and proud American, have the forces of evil converged so insidiously to sabotage our freedoms and destroy our great country. Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Business, Big Media, and Big Government are all working together to tear down the pillars of our sovereignty. It’s not a ‘conspiracy theory.’ It’s the truth.
“The radical Left is, and always has been, out to Cancel America. It’s a perpetual campaign waged on a mountain of lies. Cultural Marxists have nurtured generations of aggrieved young minds to believe these falsehoods to be self-evident: that all white people are inherently ‘privileged,’ all black people are inherently oppressed, the police are an irredeemably racist and oppressive force, and America is an incorrigibly racist, sexist, fill-in-the-blank-phobic nation in need of transformative dismantling and reimagining…”

Congressman King is a fighter who refuses to back down and this book proves it!
Book Endorsements
Michelle Malkin
Investigative Journalist
“Steve King is an American patriot—a man of great faith, unassailable character, and unwavering grace. Walking Through the Fire recounts his life story, from his family-centered Midwestern upbringing to his grass-roots political campaign, to his championing of traditional values and America First nationalism. In this candid and invaluable memoir, King calls out the race baiters, media liars, Democrat defamers, and RINO smear merchants who work together to cancel defenders of Western Civilization. In a world of phonies and cowards, Steve King is the real deal. If you want to know what a modern ‘Horatius at the Gate’ looks like, read this book and make your children read it too!”
Louie Gohmert
U.S. Congressman
“Congressman Steve King writes this no-holds-barred account for all the world to see exactly what has been going on in Congress. Unlike many today who write a book to cover up the things that evoked criticism, Steve lays out all the facts for the world to see and judge for themselves, without the deceptions and fabrications the Alt-Left media created. For the few Leftists who still admire people who speak very candidly, whether agreeing or disagreeing, you will find plenty upon which to base admiration. Steve believes in our country, warts and all, but knows America is the greatest gift of a nation God ever gave a people. Readers will be very pleasantly surprised.”
Michele Bachmann
Fmr. U.S. Congresswoman
“Is Steve King an American hero, or does he embody a thousand vile accusations hurled by the New York Times and the DC Ruling Class? You, dear reader, have the luxury of learning politics as it really works in State Capitols and in our Washington, D.C. Capitol. In this easy to follow new book, you’ll join Steve King on a guided tour of how and why American school children went from honoring our sacred heroes, like Washington, Lincoln, or Jefferson, to despoiling their statues and memorials in public squares across our nation. To many of the events in this book, I serve as an eyewitness affirming the accuracy of Congressman King’s experiences. Steve King narrates a riveting description of the tumultuous changes of our times; he brings you into the story of how a nation destroys itself by destroying those who are the strongest defenders of its foundational values. Read this book and you’ll go from bewildered to thanking heroes like Steve King for fighting to maintain your liberties!”
Jim DeMint
Fmr. U.S. Senator
“Steve King experienced the quagmire of the Washington Swamp firsthand and fell victim to its toxicity. Having been there for many years, in Congress and even now with Conservative Partnership Institute, I know well what Congressman King went through and why. We the People must work harder than ever to purge our government of its deeply rooted corruption. I highly recommend an objective read of Walking Through the Fire for needed insight in this fight.”
LtCol. Oliver North
USMC ret.
“Walking Through the Fire is the inside story of how a man of integrity was taken out by corrupt politicians on both sides of Washington’s ‘aisle,’ revealing how truth is despised by government elites. ‘Fragging’ is a term coined in the military during the Vietnam War referring to soldiers assassinating their own. Congressman Steve King’s character was fragged by his own colleagues in collusion with fake media. This book is a must-read wake-up call to us all who want a return to America’s First Principles.”
Tom Tancredo
Fmr. U.S. Congressman
“Walking Through the Fire is an apt description of the political career of my friend Steve King. His brilliant defense of Western Civilization is what put him in the crosshairs of those trying desperately to erase the reality of a civilization that attracts millions. They seek something—dare we even say it—BETTER. Mass migration of every color of humanity is a one-way street to the West. Steve King forces the ‘woke vampires’ of the Left to face the crucifix of the allure of Western Civilization. They recoil against it and try to kill the messenger. Modern despots on the Left can’t let the knowledge of a civilization based on Judeo-Christian morality and one that brought enlightenment and the Rule of Law to a world in desperate need of both, be passed on to another generation. So books will be banned, statues torn down, speeches will be censored, careers will be destroyed, and history will be rewritten in order to, as Obama described his dream, ‘thoroughly transform America.’ Steve King stands, as did Horatius, against the onslaught of barbarians. It is a lonely vigil that has earned him the derision of his foes and the undying admiration of those who love liberty.”